Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT)
I spent a week at the Omega Institute participating in a small class, choosing phrases and tapping points, with David Feinstein, PhD. He served for 30 years on the board of Johns Hopkins University.
I have discovered in my own practice that by doing some simple Jin Shin Jyutsu Meridian Balancing Techniques before I tap magnifies the benefits marvelously.
People around the world are releasing their physical and emotional pains using EFT.

Gary Craig made the technique popular in the 1970s (www.emofree.com). It is now used in Veteran's Hospitals across the nation to help PTSD victims eliminate their physical and emotional pain.
My most poignant memory of working with tapping was a Vietnam Vet who'd had pain in his head from a bullet wound for more than 25 years. In one 20-minute session his pain was completely gone and has never returned.
Healing depression & pain, drug-free.

EFT can release you from undesirable emotions such as fear, anger, or something else that you just can't seem to shake. It can also relieve physical pain. Simply choose your phrase and tap on the points and witness the tangible results.
My 2 favorite phrases to practice are:
"Even though I still make unhealthy choices,
I deeply love and accept myself," and
"Even though I still let people steal my joy,
I deeply love and accept myself."

While tapping the top of your head (The Crown Chakra) say your phrase, "Even though I still make unhealthy choices, I deeply love and accept myself."

While tapping the eyebrow tapping point (The 3rd Eye Chakra) say your phrase, "Even though I still make unhealthy choices, I deeply love and accept myself."

Take a big breath and OM out loud. Count to 9 out loud and then another deep breath and an OM. When you open your eyes look down at the floor and release whatever it is and chase it out the window.

While tapping the top of your head (The Crown Chakra) say your phrase, "Even though I still make unhealthy choices, I deeply love and accept myself."