A Raise Your Vibration Workshop is a time to work and play through Intuitive Exercises designed to bring you closer to the Divine and to help you balance your life. Workshops can vary in length from an hour to a full weekend or week of activities. We can intuitively design a class that fits your group or occasion.
You have the tools you need to heal your body, and lengthen your DNA, to rid yourself of dis-ease.
Learn how to use your hands and work with your energy and the Divine Energy through practices, ancient and new, and learn how your intent to heal plays a critical part.
Easy energy exercises including meditation, yoga, qi gong, Jin Shin Jyutsu, sound therapy, color healing, EFT/tapping and more.

Knowledge is power, and I like to share it.
I have given talks on intuitive healing, meditation, yoga, qi gong, Jin Shin Jyutsu, sound therapy, color healing, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), the history of Spiritualism, business management, edible and herbal yards, and more.
Everyone has a story to tell.
If you would like help making your story into a book simply email me and we can correspond about editing and publishing your book.
(Love, Laughter and Forgiveness)
is the name of my publishing company.
I believe we need to express
more LOVE,
cause more LAUGHTER
and be the creators of