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About the Same

While standing at The Hogs Breath last night someone asked me what I was doing with my life. “My life is pretty much the same, always different. Since Red passed I’m still traveling to work and play. Just finished helping with the Reef Run Race, a sail boat race from Islamorada to Key West and will be helping with the 15th Annual Song Writers’ Fest this week. I am ‘Piano-Girl’ on Thursday.”

I added, “Leaving my house on the Suwannee was definitely different last week. I had to climb down a ladder to escape the flood waters, something I had never done before. I can’t carry as much as I used to up and down a ladder!” They laughed and then asked with concern, “Is everything going to be alright?” I smiled and explained the flood had been expect
ed. I had prepared as well as I could for it will assess the damages when I return in May.
Returning to my house in May will also be a little different. Instead of renting The Cypress House as a vacation rental home, as I have done in the past for income, I have taken on a house mate. I believe it will prove to be an excellent decision. I can only hope it won’t be like the Georgia Rental Experience. I had to evict those tenants after 3 months of non-payment of rent. When I checked the house for damages a couple of weeks ago I found a MESS. The dogs they had living in the house destroyed an amazing amount of “STUFF.” That is what I have to remember, it’s just “STUFF.” I have listed the house for sale and will hopefully negotiate either a short sell or a deed in lieu in 90 days. I have paid the mortgage, insurance and taxes for over a year and a half and cannot do it any longer.

A couple of great things came out of my trip to the mountains of northern Georgia, I was able to walk around the mountain property, I got my last load of stuff and bid it a fond farewell. Many wonderful memories. Also celebrated Tami's birthday with her in Atlanta. One of the things I have not been good about is writing entries for this web site. I’ve been too busy living life to write about it!

New Years Eve in St. Pete with my son, Panama escapades …2 weeks in January and another 3 weeks in March, you can see photos on my Facebook   What a great networking tool Facebook is. I am connecting and reconnecting to friends world wide! It’s been great fun. In addition to my trips to Panama for fun and frolic I attended a Zero Point Global Workshop in Panama and another one in Ft. Lauderdale and did a series of 3 Quantum Talks in the Keys. The more I learn about frequencies, physics and how we are all one, the more amazed I am.

Also, the more I learn and use the Zero Point Laser and Pendant Frequency Healing Tools the more I realize we really are just bundles of frequencies. The tools eliminate pain and help people with heal their “dis” ease. Went to a great lecture in the Keys to Peace series, Dr. Dave Coppola spoke on the 5 element system, Ayurvedic practices, tips on good nutrition and touched on the importance of water and exercise. Things we are all aware of but I always learn new and useful information.
He reinforced the importance of eating protein first thing in the morning and cutting out the carbs! Speaking of carbs, I just took nearly a month off from their deliciousness; no alcohol, no sugar, no honey, no white stuff (rice, bread, over processed things), no whole grain breads and the very hardest carbohydrate to eliminate was fruit, but I did it for the sake of my pancreas. I was having constant indigestion and instead of taking Tums or some other antacid I consulted a new healing friend, Chris, and not only got rid of the indigestion but my skin doesn’t need lotion anymore. I didn’t realize my dry, flakey skin was being caused by organ dysfunction, I thought it was just old age. Guess I am not as old as I thought I was:)

I just got a call to run some equipment downtown for the song writers so I am reminded to put in a quick plug for my son the song writer, Joshua. He did a fine job at the RotaryFest Art Festival in downtown Orlando last Sunday. I even got to play bongos behind him! More fun than playing the bongos was drawing his web site in chalk at his feet

Next week I will be going to an Emei Qi Gong workshop in Miami and then on to Brooksville to help at the bed and breakfast and it looks like I will be going to Las Vegas for my birthday. Before I forget-the plans are falling together nicely for the retreat I am hosting in September. 

Oh, and my journal entry would not be complete without a “Red Report.” He comes to me frequently through butterflies and so many other signs. As the psychic told me, Red is here and helping me now more than ever. As always, thank you for taking the time to read my pages, enjoy your life and please, let me know what is on your mind!



"Diane is a jewel spreading joy and health as she goes."

C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD founder of the American Holistic Medical Society  

"Medical Intuits come in all shapes and sizes with different areas of expertise.

Diane Jackman Skolfield is one of those rare intuitives who not only senses imbalance in a person's body, but she also backs her impressions up with solid, practical nutritional advice.

When I need another pair of eyes, Diane is the one I turn to."

Winter Robinson, PhD

Disclaimer: The information provided in or through this Website is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use.​ The contents of the Website pages have been created with the utmost care. Diane Jackman Skolfield is not holding herself out to be a doctor/physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, or advanced practice nurse, psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, or social worker, registered dietician or licensed nutritionist, or any type of medical provider. Although care has been taken in preparing the information provided to you, the information provided in or through the Website or by the Service Provider about your health or wellness, exercise, relationships, or any other area of your life is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your own medical provider or mental health provider. Always seek the advice of your own medical provider and/or mental health provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications, herbs, or supplements you are currently taking and before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from this website or Diane Jackman Skolfied.

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