Diane Jackman Skolfield is an author, a healer, a spiritual teacher, a mother, a businesswoman, a mentor, and lifelong learner. She has been helping people, help themselves since her childhood. Diane believes that one of the most important lessons of our lives is to live life with gratitude, for even the challenges are gifts.
Diane began her career in healing in 1982 while teaching Pilates at the YWCA in Bangor, Maine. She has been a member of the Self Realization Fellowship and a minister since 1996. She is certified to teach advanced Hatha Yoga by the American Council of Fitness Education.
In addition to teaching Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Dance Therapy, Color and Sound Healing and Qigong, her work as a Medical Intuit has been instrumental in healing many. She draws her vast knowledge from a variety of masters; Grandmaster Fu, Donna Eden, David Feinstein, PhD, C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD. to name a few.
Diane believes Energy Medicine is for everyone, encouraging all ages and abilities to understand how their body works. Through her workshops and online publications, she teaches how to incorporate simple healing exercises and nutrition into our daily lives.
Diane teaches in the Summer at a Spiritualist Camp in Etna, Maine. There she volunteers in various projects and is involved with the building and restoration committees. In addition, she serves as the Camp Historian. Winter finds her teaching in Florida where she works in her permaculture garden-yard.
Diane strongly believes, that healing the earth is a lot of work, but it's worth it.